Hello everyone and welcome to my “little kitchen”. My name is Clara Bourdin, I’m 40 years old and I’ve been passionate about cooking since I was a little girl. In 2005, unaware that it was going to change my life, I created my cooking blog on which I share my daily recipes as well as my gourmet discoveries, my good addresses and my travels. I live in e, Florida with my little family.

On my blog you’ll find my daily recipes, the ones I prepare for my little family and friends. All the recipes on this blog are mine, I cooked, wrote and photographed them all. They follow my desires, sometimes more exotic, or lighter, even more comforting, as well as the seasons.

I’m trying to show you that cooking isn’t complicated, that with a few ingredients and a little bit of time, you can manage to treat your loved ones and be proud to put the dish on the table and say I made it.

Because I’m like you, I’m always running out of time, but in less than 30 minutes every evening I manage to prepare varied and balanced dishes to the delight of my gourmands.

On my blog you’ll also find more elaborate recipes, when I’ve got the time and inclination on weekends, as well as lots of tips and recipes for making the basic products we eat so often at home: yoghurts, compotes, bread, cakes for children’s snacks, sauces, etc., yourself.

Why a blog?

When I created my blog in 2005, it was the beginning of blogging in France. I found it the perfect tool for sharing and bringing my recipes to life. It allows me to share with all my readers my little culinary life, my recipes, my good addresses, my favorites, as well as my little adventures in the world of gourmet food.

You’ll find all my daily recipes on my blog. Little by little, my blog has been enriched by a travel section. I’ve always loved to travel, and since the beginning I’ve been sharing my favorite restaurants, weekend getaways, SPAs and travel tips with you. I’m more and more often invited to take part in press trips to discover destinations and services, I do it as much as I can (long live the RTT!!) and you really like this part of the blog. So I’m going to continue!

What I do

Cooking, writing recipes, photographing them, laying them out, running a cooking blog with everything you don’t see behind it is a bit more than a hobby. For a few years now, I’ve been going the professional route with RecipesClara.

I’m also a freelance web and food writer. This means that I create editorial content and recipes (with or without photos) for websites, and that I collaborate with several brands through product testing, advertorials (on my blog) or ambassador operations. It’s thanks to my blog that this door was opened, and I love being able to reconcile food & work!

Culinary author

A little gourmet girl’s dream come true. In 2012, I took part in a collective book and wrote my first 5 cookbooks. I hope this is just the beginning of a long story! What’s more, the book I wrote based on the recipes my little guy has been eating since he started diversifying his diet, “200 recettes pour bébé gourmand et parents débordés”, is number 1 in its category (cookbooks for children) and has been reprinted several times. And now I can tell you that it makes me happy 🙂

I think you know a bit more about me now!
See you soon on my blog.